Any guesses on what the #1 sport is in the United States? Some might guess baseball. At this time of year with the big game at hand, many would say football. How about NASCAR? Tennis? Golf? If you guessed any of these, you're wrong. The top sport not only in the United States, but around the world is Bird Watching.
That's right. Not even soccer tops bird watching worldwide. Let's take a look at my list of top reasons why birding is the SUPER sport.-Anyone - regardless of age or conditioning - can enjoy Bird Watching
-Bird Watching reduces stress as it helps us to slow down
-You can watch birds virtually anywhere
-Bird Watching connects us with friends, family and nature
-Great memories are made from Bird Watching with others
-There is always something new in Bird Watching
-Bird Watching is a lifetime activity
-You'll end up in new places when Bird Watching.Whether you are competitive or not, bird watching is a sport that will provide you with an unlimited supply of thrills and pure enjoyment. The tools and time needed to watch birds are minimal, unless you catch the fever.
Once you feel the adrenaline-charged excitement of seeing birds in their natural habitat you'll ask yourself ? "Have these birds been here all along? Why didn't I try this before?".Next time the big game is on, take a peek out the nearest window; and when you spot a bird you'll understand why bird watching really is the SUPER sport! For the time of your life, slow down and watch the birds. Get Outdoors!.
.Chuck Fitzgerald, The Outdoor Guy, has written a beginner's guide to bird watching call "Learning to Bird." Visit to see just how easy and how much fun Bird Watching really is. Chuck is the owner of Arizona based BackCountry Toys, an online store helping you to have fun in the great outdoors.
To get maximum enjoyment out of your outdoor life, visit where you'll find great gear and the Tips & Tales e-newsletter, "FreshAir." (800) 316-9055.
By: Chuck Fitzgerald